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  • FAQ
  • 1. What length is a Novel?

    A novel is 40,000 words or more

  • 2. What length is a Novella?

    A Novella is 17,500 to 39.999 words

  • 3. What length is a Novelette?

    A Novelette is between 7,500 to 17,499 words

  • 4. How do I know how many pages my novel will be?

    The number of pages will depend on the size of the book and the font type and size you use. For a novel that is printed in A5 size with font size 12 you can work on 250 to 300 words per page.

  • 5. What is an ISBN and is it necessary to have one?

    An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. It consists of 13 numbers. It is a product identifier used by publishers, booksellers, libraries, internet retailers and other supply chain participants for ordering, listing, sales records and stock control purposes.

    There is no law that states that a book must have an ISBN... but if you intend selling the book then it is advisable to get one as most retailers will insist on one.

  • 6. How much does it cost to get an ISBN?

    An ISBN is supplied free of charge by the National Library. You can engage the services of a 3rd party to get the ISBN for you - they will usually charge an administration fee for this service.

  • 7. Is there a difference between editing and proofreading?

    Yes there is. 
    Editing is the process of reviewing and correcting your book material to improve accuracy, readability, flow, pace and style. A copy editor will look at your book overall, make changes, suggest new chapter headings, fill in blanks or inconsistencies, point out and fix problems, check legalities or suggest what to check.

    Proofreading is the checking of your book for simple and complex errors in grammar, spelling and general layout. Spelling mistakes and grammar errors cannot be in a book when it goes out for publication.

    Proofreading is the last step before submitting to a publisher or publishing yourself.

  • 8. What is the size of a novel?

    Novel sizes in America, as an example, differ from those in South Africa. We use the following standard ISO sizes:

    A4 - 210 x 297 mm
    A5 - 148 x 210 mm (Standard Novel)
    B5 - 176 x 250 mm
    B6 - 125 x 176 mm

  • 9. When is a book considered a best seller?

    In South Africa a book is considered a best seller if it sells 2000 or more copies.

  • 10. When should I start marketing my new book?

    The short answer is YESTERDAY

  • 11. Can I get rich as an author in South Africa?

    The short answer is - Maybe

    The average novel written by a South African author sells between 600 to 1000 copies in the authors lifetime. There are of course always exceptions to the rule. Market yourself and your book aggressively and BE the exception to the rule.

Lawrence Rocks, Margate, KZN 073 575 9644